President Biden

New Hampshire Democratic Party chair says Biden likely not on state primary ballot

New Hampshire Democratic Party chair says Biden likely not on state primary ballot

Over a year of contention about presidential nominating dates and rules in two of the nation's first states to cast ballots in 2024 – New Hampshire and Iowa – came to a head on Friday. New Hampshire Democrats conceded that Democratic incumbent President Joe Biden is unlikely to be on the ballot in the Granite State's Democratic primary, even as Iowa Democrats announced a change to their proposed caucus process that allows them to not conflict with New Hampshire. The Democratic National Committee's Rules and Bylaws committee closed out its fall meeting in St. Louis on Friday by voting that another version of New Hampshire's Democratic delegate selection plan was non-compliant with their new White House-backed calendar– a move that likely precedes Biden not filing to be on their state's ballot. Approved in February, the DNC's 2024 early nominating schedule begins in South Carolina -- the state that revived President Joe Biden's campaign in 2020 -- on Feb. 3. Nevada and New Hampshire...

Manager 07/10/2023