GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker accused by second woman of paying for abortion

Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker has denied new accusations that he paid for a woman to have an abortion, the second such accusation made against him. The new claim comes as polls show Walker in a dead heat with Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock amid record early voting turnout in Georgia.

The woman, known as Jane Doe to conceal her identity, claims Walker drove her to an abortion clinic in the spring of 1993 after he learned she was pregnant.

"After discussing the pregnancy with Herschel several times, he encouraged me to have an abortion and gave me the money to do so," the woman said Wednesday in a virtual press conference with attorney Gloria Allred.

The woman described a six-year relationship with Walker while he was still married and playing in the NFL for the Dallas Cowboys and Minnesota Vikings.

She said that she tried to get an abortion herself, but couldn't go through with it. The next day, the woman said, Walker took her to a Dallas-area clinic and waited for her while she got the procedure.

Allred shared evidence from her client including a hotel receipt, handwritten cards purportedly from Walker, a photo and recording of him as proof of their relationship.

The woman called the staunchly anti-abortion candidate a "hypocrite" and said that she did not come forward for political reasons.

"I am a registered independent. I voted for Trump in both elections," she said. "I do not believe Herschel is morally fit to be a U.S. senator."

Walker downplayed the allegations on the campaign trail, saying he was "done with this foolishness."

"This is all a lie, and I will not entertain any of it,' Walker told reporters.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who was campaigning with Walker, drew comparison to the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.

"Kavanaugh didn't back down. He's on the court. Herschel ain't backing down. The people of Georgia have your back, Herschel. And you know how this movie ends? Herschel Walker's going to the United States Senate!" Graham exclaimed.

Tuesday's accusation is the latest case to envelop Walker, who recently admitted to writing a check for another woman who claimed he paid for her abortion in 2009 although he denied knowing what it was used for.

Sen. Warnock, released a statement on the accusations against his opponent, saying it's the "latest example of a troubling pattern."

  • Georgia
  • Abortion
  • Herschel Walker
  • 2022 Midterm Elections
Nikole Killion

Nikole Killion is a congressional correspondent for CBS News based in Washington D.C.


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