Jim Gaffigan's 2020 waitlist

Christmas is only five days away. Can you believe it?

So, we wait.

Comedian Jim Gaffigan. CBS News

We wait not with the eagerness of a child excited to tear open presents. We hop back on that waiting treadmill which is the year of 2020.

Waiting is something we've done a lot of this year.

We've done an awful lot of it this year.

Initially we waited for information, guidance and leadership on what the Coronavirus exactly was and how our lives will change.

We waited to celebrate our frontline workers at 7 p.m.

We waited for PPE and stimulus checks.

We waited for Zoom meetings to start, small businesses to be safe, and curves to go up, and then down, and then up.

We waited to see family — and we waited to finally get away from our family.

We waited for our fellow citizens to start following guidelines, social justice to arrive, and this country to come together.

At times it felt like we were waiting to completely lose our minds.

We waited for an election, and test results. We waited on recounts, challenges, and more new restrictions.

We waited on reactions to reactions, and over-reactions to over-reactions.

We waited on a vaccine, trials and approvals. And now we wait to receive a physical and metaphoric shot in the arm.

But first, we wait for Christmas.

Then we wait for this God-awful year of waiting to be put in the history books.

We wait for 2020 to be a memory which will inform and instruct our nation's character to be more compassionate, informed and respectful.

Well, that's more of a wish, I guess. I'm waiting for that wish to come true.

Merry pandemic, everyone. God bless us all.

See also: 

  • Week 1: Family life under lockdown
  • Week 2: Life in quarantine is like a sitcom
  • Week 3: Spring arrives!
  • Week 4: Lessons of "distance learning"
  • Week 5: Kids, quarantine and sanity are not compatible
  • Week 6: Consuming all news, all the time
  • Week 7: Jim Gaffigan discovers he misses strangers
  • Week 8: On sharing dinner with the masses
  • Week 9: On living in unprecedented times
  • Week 10: Are we REALLY all in this together?
  • Week 11: On not knowing what comes next
  • Jim Gaffigan on what dads REALLY want on Father's Day
  • Jim Gaffigan on getting the whole lockdown thing wrong
  • 2020, please turn your notifications off
  • Jim Gaffigan on his first drive-in standup show
  • On living in a time warp
  • On acquiring a green thumb
  • Back to (home) school
  • Summer memories, '50s style
  • Blondes' bad rap
  • On the painstaking, belabored marathon of an election
  • On saving face while wearing a mask
  • Jim Gaffigan's 2020 set to music

For more info: 

  • jimgaffigan.com
  • Follow @JimGaffigan on Twitter       

Story produced by Sara Kugel. Editor: Mike Levine.

  • Jim Gaffigan
  • COVID-19
  • Christmas
  • Pandemic

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