What is the best way to handle bullying at work? Ask HR

Johnny C. Taylor Jr. tackles your human resources questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world's largest HR professional society and author of "Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval.”

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Question: I’m a first-time manager (promoted one month ago) and still getting a feel for different people. Recently, I saw one of my direct reports bullying another employee, and I didn’t know how hard to come down on the bully. I don’t want to sit idly by, but I don’t want to create a major problem in the office, either. What’s the best approach? – Dana

Answer: Congratulations on your recent promotion to a managerial role – a significant milestone in your career journey. Transitioning from an individual contributor to a first-time manager brings about its own set of challenges, and confronting workplace bullying is undoubtedly one of the more demanding aspects. Bullying is detrimental to the workplace, and it’s clear that you recognize this.

I suggest partnering with your human resources department. Seek their guidance on navigating company policies, as there may be a process for addressing the behavior you witnessed. Typically, such a process involves having private conversations with both parties involved. Listen actively to understand the dynamics at play and to determine the root cause of the bullying behavior. Remember, your goal is not just to discipline but to foster a healthy work environment.

If, after those conversations, you've confirmed the direct report violated your company’s policy, take clear and decisive actions. Communicate that such behavior is unacceptable, outlining the specific actions that violate professional standards. Emphasize the impact such behavior has on the victim and the overall team dynamics. Offer guidance on improving the employee’s conduct, which may warrant placing them on a performance improvement plan. Your HR department can assist in creating a plan to clearly outline your expectations for the employee’s behavior moving forward and the ramifications if their conduct does not improve.

Simultaneously, ensure the victim feels supported. Assure their concerns are addressed and outline the steps taken to rectify the situation. Creating an atmosphere where employees feel safe reporting incidents without fear of retaliation is critical. Consider implementing training programs on workplace behavior for the entire team, reaffirming your commitment to a respectful workplace and educating employees on the importance of mutual respect and cooperation.

Keep a watchful eye on the situation in the aftermath, encourage open communication within the team, and be prepared to address any lingering tensions swiftly. As a leader, you set the tone for the workplace culture.

Lastly, document the entire process – from investigation to resolution. Having a clear record of your actions ensures transparency and protects both parties involved. Navigating workplace bullying is a challenging aspect of leadership, and taking swift and appropriate action is essential to maintain a healthy work environment.

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After the medical practice I worked with decided to separate from the hospital, I was laid off and didn’t follow them. I was paid a severance package from the hospital and was told by HR that I could be rehired as an external applicant when applying for a similar position.  If an internal applicant also applies for the same posting, does the internal applicant take precedence in being hired? – Richard

I understand how challenging it can be to navigate the hiring process after a layoff. To answer your question, internal applicants may indeed take precedence over external candidates based on an employer's recruitment strategy and specific hiring considerations.

Employers often prioritize internal candidates due to the advantages they bring to the table. Internal hiring can be a quicker and smoother process as internal candidates are already acclimated to the organization's culture, policies and workflow. The employer has firsthand knowledge of their performance and fit within the company, making the transition into a new role more seamless. This approach also serves as a tool for talent retention and fosters career growth within the organization.

However, there is also significant value in hiring external candidates. Employers may seek external talent to cultivate fresh perspectives, diverse experiences and new ideas. External hires can contribute to innovation and help organizations adapt to evolving industry trends.

You possess a valuable advantage as an external candidate who has previously performed similar work. Your experience with the organization provides insight into your work habits and the likelihood of success in the role. When applying for a position, focus on showcasing your qualifications and the unique skills and experiences you bring to the table.

It's important not to focus solely on the possibility of internal candidates taking precedence. Employers may not always have internal candidates ready to fill open positions, and your skills and expertise may align perfectly with the employer's needs. Explore each opportunity confidently, emphasizing how your qualifications make you an ideal candidate. Best of luck in your job search.

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