Old folks in Chinatown dish out life tips in YouTube video

Asia Manager 15/06/2023

Singaporeans can trace our no-nonsense way of looking at life to our older generation. And boy, do they know how to dole out advice as one YouTuber found out.

Hong Kong influencer Torres Pit shared a YouTube video titled Life Advice From Asia’s Richest Elderly People last week. He went to Chinatown in Singapore, seeking marriage and relationship advice from old folks in the area.

In the video, Torres introduces Singapore as a country that was “not a very privileged country 50 years ago”. But it quickly became one of the richest countries in Asia, which made him believe that “the people who have gone through this process” of economic growth would have plenty of life advice to share.

The "people" did not disappoint with their special brand of sensible words of wisdom.

Torres talks to 80-year-old Susan about her dating life when she was younger.

“You’re so pretty, men must have been crazy for you when you were young,” says the influencer.

“Where got, lah,” says Susan with a laugh before explaining that she actually “got married late” - in her 50s.

“I think first before, whether the man is good or not, (sic)."

She then says that her husband is “very good” and “very caring”.

Her tip to finding a good man?

“(If he doesn’t) gamble, the man is good. My husband never gambles," Susan says.

Torres goes on to ask old folk about their greatest regret in life.

One man regrets his divorce. When asked why he got divorced, he says: “I was born in a poor family. She didn’t need me to take care of her.

“I gambled too much. I’m into gambling (and) I lost all my money. I was deep in debt," he goes on to say.

He has cleared all his debts, which amounted to “a couple hundred thousands”.

He tries to “limit himself” now. "Just gamble whatever I have in my pocket lor," he says.

Torres then speaks to a man who enlightens him on Singapore's development.

“Was Singapore as beautiful as it is now?” asks the influencer.

Says the elderly man, “Are you kidding? How is it possible? We used to have payphones all around.

"Before Singapore’s independence, it was very rural. The environment (was) very dirty, canals (were) dirty.

"But our first Prime Minister (Lee Kuan Yew) structured the politics in such a way (where the country could) slowly develop.”

“Foreigners won’t know what it’s like living in Singapore. The world is very turbulent now, (but) you’re very safe in Singapore. I’m not working, and instead I’m drinking beer. If I’m in your country, I wouldn’t be able to afford a bowl of rice," he continues.

The influencer then gets relationship advice from another elderly man who is enjoying his beer.

“It’s hard to find a Singaporean wife these days. If you don’t have status, no Singaporean woman will like you.

"Singaporean women have such high standards now, unlike in the past. Study hard, get a high status. If you don’t have ‘standard’, no one wants you,” he says.

Torres, who recently got married, then asks them for advice on how many children he should have.

“Having children depends on your financial status, lah. How would I know how much you make a month?” says one man.

When Torres replies that he makes about $5,000, the man says: “Five thousand dollars is not enough. One kid is good.”

A woman who is listening to their conversation chimes in, “It’s hard (to raise kids now). You see, I’m still working at the age of 71."


Torres says, “You’re 71? You look so young!”

He is immediately met with: “So what? I still have to work.”

When Torres asks her if she’s married to a Singaporean man, she says: “Singaporean men never help with housework.”

“If you could choose again, what nationality would your husband be?” asksTorres.

“I won’t get married!” she replies with a laugh, before walking off. 

This article was first published in The New Paper. Permission required for reproduction.

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