Couple and Scoot crew help passenger who had seizure on Singapore-bound flight

Myanmar couple comes to fellow passenger's aid after he suffers seizure on Scoot flight from Osaka to Singapore

A middle-aged man suffered a seizure and lost consciousness while on board a Scoot flight from Osaka to Singapore on Mar 11.

Fortunately, a doctor and her husband, who is a trained first-aider, were on the same flight and were able to work with the flight crew to render assistance on TR819.

Stomp contributor Martin alerted Stomp to the incident and shared how Dr Ei Ei Thit and Mr Nay Zar Kyaw Win's swift response averted a crisis.

"Their combined experience turned what could have been a mid-air crisis into an example of compassion and heroism at 30,000 feet," the Stomp contributor said.

The couple, who are from Myanmar but based in Singapore, told Stomp that five hours into the flight at about 11.30pm, they heard a woman shouting for help.

"We also saw one man running to the cockpit and shouting for help," Mr Nay Zar said.

"We quickly responded and rushed to the scene where we found a middle-aged man seated with closed eyes and an extremely pale complexion."

They assessed him and found that he was responsive and could open his eyes.

His wife informed them that he had been unwell for days prior with a fever and poor appetite. However, he did not have a history of hypertension or diabetes.

"Despite feeling better in the morning, he began to feel chilly and unwell during the flight, prompting him to take two tablets of Tylenol on an empty stomach," Mr Nay Zar added.

"Shortly after, he experienced a sudden seizure and lost consciousness."

Based on his medical history, the couple suspected he had a low blood sugar level.

They then requested sugar water from the flight attendants and had the man drink it when he was conscious and then advised his wife to remove his thick coat and loosen his belt.

Observing his pale complexion, they also positioned him lying down with his legs raised.

"One flight attendant brought an oxygen cylinder and my wife requested a pulse oximeter to measure the man's oxygen level and pulse rate," My Nay Zar said.

"His pulse rate was within the normal range and showed between 70 to 75, but his oxygen level was at 90 per cent.

"Upon further enquiry, his wife confirmed he is a non-smoker and we let the flight attendant administer oxygen to the man.

"His oxygen level improved to 99 per cent and his complexion regained colour."

The man reported he felt better and the couple continued to monitor him until the plane was ready to land, allowing him to sit upright with the seatbelt fastened while still receiving oxygen.

Upon landing, the couple escorted the man and his family to Raffles Medical Clinic at the airport where they reported his illness to the medical staff.

They left after the man showed he was stable and responsive during the initial examination by the doctor.

The couple shared that as volunteers with the with the Community Emergency Engagement Team (C2E) and have been able to help out in several emergencies.

Before the Scoot flight, they helped put out a car fire on the Central Expressway (CTE) on Feb 28.

"Actually we went to Japan for my company business trip," Mr Nay Zar said.

"Whether the business from Japan was successful or not, we don't really care now.

"We are already very happy that we could have a chance to save someone's life."


Dr Ei Ei added that the man and his family were very thankful. "They said he was very lucky to have us on the same flight," she said.

They hope that by sharing what happened, people will understand how important first aid is and will be willing to learn so they can help others as well.

In response to a Stomp query, a Scoot spokesperson said: "Scoot is aware of a medical incident that took place on flight TR819 operating from Osaka to Singapore on 11 March 2024.

"Our crew members responded swiftly and provided medical assistance accordingly.

"We extend our gratitude to the passengers who demonstrated compassion and teamwork during the incident.

"Scoot takes the safety and well-being of our customers and crew as our utmost priority.

"We once again thank those who were involved for their assistance and co-operation."

This article was first published in Stomp. Permission required for reproduction.

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