Fighting bad luck for 4D? Man buying lottery ticket pours water on quarrelling brother and neighbour

He meant to buy a lottery ticket that day but heard his brother and neighbour quarrelling outside his flat — an act he deemed would ruin his chances at winning.

To halt the argument, the man, surnamed Lim, resorted to pouring a pail of water on his younger sibling, reported Shin Min Daily News. 

Speaking to the Chinese daily about the incident, Lim explained that he and his neighbour have had an antagonistic relationship for over a decade now.

The 63-year-old carpenter said he moved into his unit at 54 Cassia Crescent along Guillemard Road with his wife and children 39 years ago.

His younger brother lives nearby and goes to his house every morning to offer prayers before going to work. 

On the morning of June 10, Lim said his brother was offering incense when he got into a disagreement with his neighbour, who also allegedly pushed him on the shoulder. 

Irritated by the duo, Lim told them to argue somewhere else, but his words fell on deaf ears. 

"It was a Saturday, and I was planning to buy 4D. They were arguing outside my house so early in the morning. It was bad luck. How can I expect to win?" he lamented. 

After dumping the pail of water on his brother, he also splashed some water in his neighbour's direction to chase her away. 

However, it seemed to only make matters worse, as the woman retaliated by getting her husband to do the same thing. 

"Her husband got a pail of water and splashed it all over me and my brother. In my anger, I splashed another pail of water at them and told my brother to stop arguing with them," Lim recounted.

He said that his neighbour tried to pick another fight with his brother at the void deck, but was ignored. 

"She also criticised me for not taking my brother in hand." 

Feuding for more than 10 years 

Elaborating on their strained relationship, Lim said that he and his neighbour have gone to a mediator, but are still unable to bury the hatchet. 

Lim also claimed that his neighbour had previously displayed brooms outside her home to 'curse' him, and even chased him with a knife and wooden stick. 

Police have also been to their homes multiple times to resolve their disputes over the years. 

The woman has also allegedly been badmouthing Lim's younger brother to his sister-in-law, which has caused their relationship to be strained. 

When Shin Min spoke to the neighbour, who identified herself as Deng, she denied trying to sow discord between the couple and said she hadn't seen the younger Lim's wife in a long time. 

Deng also shared that she did not have any ill will towards the brothers, but got upset when they allegedly cursed her grandson. 

She said that they both agreed not to get in each other's way after going to the mediator, but said that the younger Lim would still deliberately cause trouble. 

"His younger brother often makes rude gestures at us, and he has a foul mouth," said the 78-year-old cleaner. 

Sharing her side of the story about the altercation on June 10, Deng said: "They splashed water at us first, so we had to retaliate. His younger brother even snatched the pail and hit my husband's back." 

READ ALSO: Black magic? Hougang resident accuses neighbour of hanging brooms and underwear outside flat to 'curse' him

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