Motorcyclist allegedly cuts line at Woodlands Checkpoint, throws victim's motorbike keys away when confronted

No one likes waiting in queue - even less liked are queue jumpers.

A motorcyclist allegedly cut the line at Woodlands Checkpoint, throwing away the motorcycle keys of a woman who confronted him, user Shahiz Shah shared on Facebook group SG Road Vigilante on Tuesday (Sept 19).

Shah's fiancee had been queuing in line when the motorcyclist purportedly made his attempt to cut in front of her.

"When my fiancee didn't let him enter, he snatched my fiancee's motorbike keys and threw them away," Shah wrote in his post.

Incensed, he described the rider as "really rude", "an a******e" and having "no manners".

He also alleged that the man never "raised his hand" to indicate that he wanted to get into the queue, and that the man later "found fault" with another motorcyclist.


Shah also added in the comments section of his post: "How would you feel if he (the motorcyclist) treated your wife or daughter like this? Is it fair?

"You queued from the centre of the bridge, then this man suddenly appeared in front of you to try and jump queue. How would you feel?" 

In a video shared by Shah, the accused motorcyclist can be seen straddling his motorbike on the right side of the lane, turning behind him to speak with another rider.

He then appears to snap a picture of the other motorcyclist using his phone.

Throughout the interaction, honking and loud complaints can be heard in the background.

Netizens also expressed outrage and sympathy for Shah and his fiancee, with many recommending Shah to report this to both immigration officers and the police.

Other netizens noted something strange about the rider's motorcycle, however - his license plate was curved upwards, obscuring the letters of his plate from view when directly behind him.

It's unclear if both motorbikes are registered in Singapore. 

In a comment on a separate post on Facebook group Malaysia-Singapore Border Crossers, a man claiming to be the boyfriend of the fiancee's friend stated that the man has already been reported to officers at both Woodlands and Johor Bahru checkpoints.

AsiaOne has reached out to Shah for more information.

'Please give way, my wife is about to give birth'

Circumstance is a key factor in people letting others cut in front of them, however, as seen when a motorcyclist heading towards Johor Bahru skipped the queue with a simple method.

He stuck a note to the back of his motorcycle, written in Malay: "Please give way, my wife is about to give birth".

The man had gotten a call from his wife on May 31, informing him that she was going into labour.

With his note and the good graces of motorists around him, the man got through customs in 30 minutes and managed to reach the hospital just as his wife was having contractions.

The baby girl weighed 3.1kg at birth and is the couple's sixth child, China Press reported.


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