4G leaders have proven their ability and grit through Covid-19: President Halimah

Singapore's fourth-generation (4G) leadership team have proven their ability and grit through their handling of the Covid-19 crisis, said President Halimah Yacob on Monday (April 10).

On the 4G team, the President noted that "they have worked well together" and have also been engaging citizens widely through the Forward Singapore exercise.

But they must continue to work closely with Singaporeans to write the next chapter of the "Singapore Story", the President added in her address to open the second session of the 14th Parliament today.

President Halimah's remarks were a contrast to her inaugural opening address in Parliament as President in 2018 - in which she previously said that the 4G leaders have to "earn the right to lead" the country.

"They must grow with the people they represent, embrace a diversity of views and ideas", President Halimah said then, adding that "trust between the people and their leaders is not automatically passed on from one generation to the next".

Singaporeans emerged from pandemic 'stronger and more united': President Halimah

In the last opening address to parliament for the current term of her presidency, President Halimah noted how Singaporeans have emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic "stronger and more united than before".

"The Covid-19 experience shows what Singaporeans are capable of when we come together as a nation, and gives us quiet confidence and strength as we face the future together," she said. 

While trust in the government has strengthened, she warned that many societies face "deep divides that are difficult to bridge".

There were also instances of political parties aggravating rifts by divisive appeals for support from competing groups, according to the President.

This has caused political systems to be stuck in a gridlock, she said.

"Consequently, trust in the government and its institutions plummets, making recovery even harder", President Halimah said, adding that "this cannot happen in Singapore".

Acknowledging that people will always have differing views in an open and divisive society, President Halimah said that conversations also must still be constructive, respectful and responsible, based on facts and sound analysis.


She added: "Our interactions with one another must be anchored on mutual respect and trust, and a shared goal of advancing the larger public interest.

"In this way, we can work through our differences, enlarge our common ground, and draw strength from our diverse perspectives."

The President was addressing a packed chamber in Parliament House, where MPs returning from the customary mid-term break dressed up for the occasion - men largely in formal suits and women in outfits of various shades.

While President Halimah has yet to announce whether she would be seeking a second term in office as president, the Presidential Election must be held no later than Sept 13 this year. 

If she does not seek a second term in the presidential election, this will be her third and last President's Address.

4 key priorities for the Government

In her 30-minute speech, President Halimah also shared that Parliament has reopened "at an important milestone" in history.

Describing how the country has spent the last three years fighting the crisis of our generation, the President said: "Together, we found our way through the uncertainties and fears of the pandemic."

But there are new challenges ahead in this "increasingly dangerous and troubled world", President Halimah warned.

These include the war in Ukraine and the intensifying rivalry between the US and China.

While there is growing pressure to take sides, Singapore must resist doing so, the President said, while highlighting the importance of staying united to uphold the county's best interests.

President Halimah also outlined four priorities for the remainder of this term of Government, elaborating on each in turn: Expanding opportunities throughout life for every citizen, strengthening social safety nets, building a smart and liveable city, and deepening Singaporeans' sense of shared identity and mutual responsibility towards one another.

Rounding her speech in an hopeful note, the President urged Singaporeans to reflect on the values and principles of the founding generation of leaders - while commemorating the centenary of Lee Kuan Yew's birth.

"We should reaffirm and uphold our shared values, while re-examining what needs to be updated and possessing the courage to break new ground, she said.

"Only then can we forge ahead confidently, firm in our footing and sure of our destination."

ALSO READ: Wish come true: President Halimah fulfils students' desire to visit the Istana


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